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Medical Enterprises Group is a growing and dynamic medical device company. It has its headquarters in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where sales and marketing activities are managed. Research and Development, manufacturing, technical support and clinical activities are managed from the facility in Israel.
Our R&D staff is a multifunctional team composed of physicists, electrical and mechanical engineers, software and QA experts.
The clinical department includes trained specialists who provide medical support to urology clinics around the world, and handle clinical trials and publications.

The company is focused on developing minimally invasive therapeutic technologies which provide benefits for both patient and healthcare system.

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Our Global Quality Vision and Quality Policy are designed to ensure consistent high quality and compliance at every location and on every project.

We are committed to providing quality medical devices and components that are used to save or enhance the lives of the patients we serve. We will maintain compliance with current quality and regulatory requirements as well as those of our customers.

We will monitor, manage risk and take action throughout our processes to ensure the continued effectiveness of our quality system.

Medical Enterprises is certified by BSI for both CE mark and EN ISO 13485:2016.

While every effort is made to ensure that information on this site is accurate, no guarantee is given of either accuracy or completeness. No liability is accepted for loss or damage as a result of information, or lack of information, on this site howsoever caused.

Medical Enterprises Ltd. is not engaged in providing medical advice or services. Any information on medical or health related topics contained on this Internet site should not be used to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease, and is not a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.

If you believe any information on this site to be inaccurate or misleading please contact us and we will make every effort to correct the information.


Images displayed on the Site are either the property of, or used with permission by, Medical Enterprises Ltd. The use of these images by you, or anyone else authorized by you, is prohibited unless specifically permitted by us. Any unauthorized use of the images may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes and may not be used without the written permission of Medical Enterprises Group.

Copyright © 2017

Medical Enterprises LTD.





Head Office

Medical Enterprises Europe B.V.

Amsterdamseweg 147A

1182GT, Amstelveen

The Netherlands



Tel: +31(0)20 6423719

Fax: +31(0)20 6421161


MEL Medical Enterprises Ltd.

P.O.B. 7166

Petah-Tikva, 49170, Israel

Tel: +972 (0)3 9244830
Fax: +972 (0)3 9245340

Medical Enterprises Group


Over the past 25 years we, at Medical Enterprises have transformed from a group of scientists in a lab to a thriving dynamic company. We are constantly expanding and in the search for new exciting collaborations.

If you’d like to partner with us as a distributor or enquire into career opportunities that we offer occasionally, please send us an email to: info[at]synergo-medical[dot]com

Contact us

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EAU24 39th Annual Congress 
5-8 April 2024
Booth number H50

Synergo  per il Trattamento del Tumore vescicale Non-Muscolo Invasivo
Synergo  - Therapie bei Nicht-Muskelinvasivem Blasenkrebs (Harnblasenkarzinom)
Synergo Kasa İnvaze Olmayan Mesane Kanseri (KIOMK) Tedavisi İçin Radyofrekans Kaynakli Termo-Kemoterapi Uygulamasi
Synergo RF technology |
Bladder preservation |
Bladder cancer treatment
Radiofrequency-induced hyperthermia |
Microwave-induced hyperthermia |
Chemohyperthermia |
BCG unresponsive |
علاج سينرغو (Synergo): فرط الحرارة الموضعي الناتج عن الميكروويف (التردد الراديوي) مع علاج كيميائي 

Технология SYNERGO для лечения мышечно-неинвазивного рака мочевого пузыря

non-muscle invasive bladder cancer |

Synergo® Microwave (RF)-Induced Thermochemotherapy treatment for Bladder Cancer
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Informace pro pacienty s diagnózou neinvazivního karcinomu močového měchýře a léčbou přípravkem Synergo®
סרטן שלפוחית השתן וטיפול סינרגו
Niet-spierinvasieve blaaskanker: De Synergo® Behandeling
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