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Can Synergo help with your type of bladder cancer?

The Synergo system is indicated for Non-muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer (NMIBC), also known as Superficial Transitional Cell Carcinoma of the Urinary Bladder. The tumor is defined "superficial" as long as it is limited to the very internal layers of the bladder (those in direct contact with the urine).
Your urologist should decide if your specific case is eligible for Synergo treatment after performing the necessary tests of your urinary organs including your bladder.

How is the treatment performed?

The treating staff will instruct you how to prepare for the treatment. The treatment itself is performed in a urological clinic or in the day hospital department by trained medical personnel, and lasts about an hour.

How many treatment-sessions will I get?

The number of treatment instillations required and their frequency will be given to you by the treating urologist.

How does the treatment work?

The Synergo treatment combines local non-ionizing radiation of the bladder walls using radio waves (RF) with simultaneous bladder instillation with cooled chemotherapy. During the treatment you will lie on your back for the entire session. A catheter carrying a miniaturized antenna and thermometers is inserted through your urethra to the bladder with the aid of anesthetic gel, and will be connected to the Synergo device.
The chemotherapy substance will also be injected through the same applicator into the bladder. The Synergo device will be activated and will transmit radio waves (RF energy) to the bladder walls, while cooling and circulating the chemotherapy from the bladder, to the device and back. At the end of the treatment, your bladder will be emptied from liquids and the catheter will be removed.

Is there any discomfort during or after treatment?

During the treatment, local side effects may appear that may include:

• Local pain and discomfort,
• Contraction of the bladder,
• Sensitivity (allergy) to the chemotherapy agent.

You can return to your daily routine and normal activities after each treatment.
Urinary frequency, burning, local irritation and a little blood will sometimes appear. If these signs appear after the treatment and do not pass after two days, you should inform the medical staff.

The medical staff will give you full instructions before and following treatment.

Are there any health precautions during treatment period?

It is recommended to refrain from excessive fluid intake before the treatment.
After treatment session completion it is advocated to drink a lot, wash thoroughly with water hands and intimate sites after urination and use condom during sexual intercourse for 24-48 hours.


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Hoewel klinische studies de effectiviteit van het Synergo® System voor de behandeling van niet-spierinvasieve blaaskanker staven, kunnen de resultaten variëren. Het resultaat is niet gegarandeerd. Bespreek de behandelopties met uw arts voor u beslist. Als u de risico's van elke behandeling begrijpt, kunt u de beste beslissing nemen voor uw individuele situatie. De Synergo-behandeling is niet noodzakelijk voor elke persoon geschikt. Het is mogelijk dat ze niet van toepassing is op uw toestand. Vraag uw arts altijd naar alle behandelopties, hun risico's en hun voordelen. Alleen uw arts kan bepalen of Synergo geschikt is voor uw situatie. 

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Synergo  per il Trattamento del Tumore vescicale Non-Muscolo Invasivo
Synergo  - Therapie bei Nicht-Muskelinvasivem Blasenkrebs (Harnblasenkarzinom)
Synergo Kasa İnvaze Olmayan Mesane Kanseri (KIOMK) Tedavisi İçin Radyofrekans Kaynakli Termo-Kemoterapi Uygulamasi
Synergo RF technology |
Bladder preservation |
Bladder cancer treatment
Radiofrequency-induced hyperthermia |
Microwave-induced hyperthermia |
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BCG unresponsive |
علاج سينرغو (Synergo): فرط الحرارة الموضعي الناتج عن الميكروويف (التردد الراديوي) مع علاج كيميائي 
Технология SYNERGO для лечения мышечно-неинвазивного рака мочевого пузыря

non-muscle invasive bladder cancer |

Synergo® Microwave (RF)-Induced Thermochemotherapy treatment for Bladder Cancer
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Informace pro pacienty s diagnózou neinvazivního karcinomu močového měchýře a léčbou přípravkem Synergo®
סרטן שלפוחית השתן וטיפול סינרגו
Niet-spierinvasieve blaaskanker: De Synergo® Behandeling
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